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Image by Ciocan Ciprian


Want to work with us? Find out how. Don't hesitate to reach out to us with any inquiries.


Publish with us

We can help you get your story out into the world. Take a look at the article to see just how the process works, from initial application to a published work. We accept all genres for application.

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Become an Apollo Artist

Are you an artist seeking to bring your art to life? Look no further! At Apollo Libraries, we are dedicated to helping artists get their work out there, to help them have a place to sell their art. From application to actual product, along with the options you have.

Become a reviewer

If you're interested in becoming a reviewer, contact us at with the subject REVIEW. If we think you're a good fit for us, you will receive the books you wish to review for free, either as an EBook or a physical copy for you to keep, depending on the book. In case of a physical copy, we will cover shipping costs, too.

Book Shelf
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